Wednesday, July 6, 2011

0 - Mile Marker In Quicksand, KY

Mile Marker 0
My friend Amanda, whom I've known since the 9th grade, works for a magazine called Kentucky Monthly. She started a column called 'Kentucky: A to Z'. She has 24 hours to drive to a small town in Kentucky and find a story about anything in the town. She invited me to find a story with her in Quicksand, KY. I love going on these trips with her because they are thrilling, adventurous and life-changing. You end up finding a person with an amazing story and come back feeling like you can conquer the world.

Mile Marker 0 in front of the only entrance and exit to Quicksand, KY - a one lane blue bridge. It should be in a Horror movie, lol. I loved it.

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