Sunday, June 12, 2011

Just armed with an idea and a camera...

I use to work at this graphic design place right off an entrance to the highway. On my way home I would drive under a bridge, past a tall brick building with an enormous address number of 2099 plastered on the side in Chrome; with a beautiful ambient glow underneath. Needless to say, it was veerryyy visible coming off the highway. I drove by it 5 nights a week admiring its beauty, until one day I decided to pull over and take a picture of it.

Let me back up... this whole crazy idea started when I went to Frishes' for dinner one night. (For those of you who have never had the pleasure of coming across a Frishes - I think it is called BigBoy in other states... It is a sit-down restaurant with a diner feel). This particular Frishes had just been remodeled into a swanky new retro looking diner. Complete with modern furniture and retro looking art pieces representing the Big Boy himself. One particular piece caught my attention. It was a typography of the letters B, I, G, B, O, Y photographed separately, but put together to form the word "BIG BOY". I was struck with how awesome that concept was of piecing those letters together, that I wanted start a typography project myself, and try to photograph the alphabet. A year goes by and nothing happens. I forget about this crazy idea that was once embedded in my head... until one night I drove past that building near my old job. The one that has 2099 lit up on the side of it. I swear I got that light bulb that they have in movies (you know the one that appears over your head... pops on when you get an idea - and I had this dumbfounded look on my face). It hits me that my little project should be of numbers instead of letters. That one piece of art is what got me on this crazy game (as I like to think of it). It's my own little treasure hunt - minus a map with any direction, instruction or destination. Just armed with an idea and a camera. Taking me through crazy experiences and stories.

This is a documentation of my progress and recollection of interesting stories of how these pictures are accumulated/attained.

I decided to try to go to 1,000.